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Careers Advice & Guidance

At Hill Holt Wood we strive to equip our learners with the skills, knowledge, education and enthusiasm to help them successfully make the next step in their lives. Providing advice and information is mandatory for Hill Holt Wood but we also believe in the benefits it has for our young people. We aim to widen pupil’s horizons, challenge stereotypes, raise aspirations and improve social mobility.


We hold careers days onsite, inviting local businesses and education establishments to site so we can all look at our options going forward. Our careers advisor has been trained specifically for the task of helping everyone onto the next step, the step that is right for them. We received the Quality in Careers Standard in 2019 ensuring our careers advice is the best it can be. It is important to us that our graduates get the right support to move onto something they are motivated to succeed at. We won’t provide generic, one-size-fits-all advice.


Subject specific off-site visits are organised to real working companies to give a taste of what actually careers look like. Examples include visits to Lincoln Waste-to-Power Plant, civil engineering projects, RAF Cranwell and more. Visits vary yearly.

Any education or training establishment that wishes to speak to our pupils may contact us to discuss unique arrangements or can contact us to be invited onto our careers fair. Access can be arranged for establishments to discuss and present their offer to our young people. All enquiries should be directed to Vicky (at the email address below) at the first instance. Fair and reasonable requests will be accepted but unreasonable requests (including but not limited to: selling products, providing incorrect information and advice, overly elaborate, lengthy or specific requirements) will be refused. Venue space at Hill Holt Wood is prioritised for paying customers due to our Social Enterprise status, however we will endeavour to provide establishments with the best venue and facilities available. Possible venues include; the outdoor woodland, Roman Villa Clearing, classrooms, Hive Café, Woodhall and office space.


If you would like to view our careers plan please click this link:


Careers Overview

If you would like to leave feedback on our plan please email:


For further information relating to labour market information and support with careers guidance you can visit:

National Careers Service - 0800 100 900 -

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