Hill Holt Wood - is open to the public between the following hours:
Monday to Friday only - 08:30 - 16:00
Norton Big Wood - This site is now open 7 days per week to the public. Gates will be open between 10am - 3pm Monday-Friday for vehicle access but pedestrian access is always available
Education & Courses - Please click here for more information regarding our Study Programme and Referrals. Here you can also view our 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement.
Welcome to Hill Holt Wood
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We are proud to be an award winning woodland social enterprise with charitable status, working with the local community to create a better environment, providing employment and reaching out to those in need.
To find out more about us, what we do and where we are, please follow the links above.
"Hill Holt Wood brings people from all walks of life together. At the heart of this community is a shared appreciation for the beauty of nature"
Walking with Countryside NK
Survey -
Walking with Countryside NK
We would love your feedback - please fill out our survey using the link below
We hope you're planning on doing some walking in the NK area this Winter. There's nothing like stretching the legs to get the blood flowing and invigorate yourself in cold fresh air.
If you do get out, would you mind giving us a little feedback? 4 quick questions only. In fact, if you've EVER done one of our walks please give us your feedback using the link below.
Funded Project
Our Bright Future
Growing Up Green is part of Our Bright Future, a £33 million programme funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and run by a consortium of eight organisations which is led by The Wildlife Trusts. Our Bright Future aims to tackle three big challenges facing society today – a lack of social cohesion, a lack of opportunities for young people and vulnerability to climate change.

Partnership Working